Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for CSS Industries Inc’s Q3 2020 Earnings (NYSE:CSS)

Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for CSS Industries Inc’s Q3 2020 Earnings (NYSE:CSS)

CSS Industries Inc (NYSE:CSS) – Analysts at DA Davidson upped their Q3 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of CSS Industries in a research note issued on Monday, June 3rd, Zacks Investment Research reports. DA Davidson analyst L. Weiser now expects that the specialty retailer will post earnings of $0.92 per share for the quarter, up from their prior forecast of $0.86.

A number of other research firms have also commented on CSS. Zacks Investment Research raised shares of CSS Industries from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a research report on Thursday, April 4th. ValuEngine raised shares of CSS Industries from a “sell” rating to a “hold” rating in a report on Monday, April 1st.

Shares of CSS stock opened at $5.25 on Tuesday. CSS Industries has a 12-month low of $4.14 and a 12-month high of $17.77. The firm has a market cap of $43.66 million, a PE ratio of -2.05, a P/E/G ratio of 1.76 and a beta of 0.99.

CSS Industries (NYSE:CSS) last issued its earnings results on Thursday, May 30th. The specialty retailer reported ($1.30) EPS for the quarter, missing the Thomson Reuters’ consensus estimate of $0.08 by ($1.38). CSS Industries had a negative net margin of 14.01% and a negative return on equity of 6.48%. The firm had revenue of $72.00 million during the quarter, compared to the consensus estimate of $80.10 million.

Institutional investors and hedge funds have recently bought and sold shares of the company. BlackRock Inc. increased its holdings in CSS Industries by 16.5% in the 4th quarter. BlackRock Inc. now owns 229,154 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock valued at $2,055,000 after buying an additional 32,497 shares during the period. Brandes Investment Partners LP boosted its stake in shares of CSS Industries by 16.8% in the 4th quarter. Brandes Investment Partners LP now owns 53,431 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock valued at $479,000 after purchasing an additional 7,700 shares in the last quarter. Alambic Investment Management L.P. boosted its stake in shares of CSS Industries by 106.6% in the 4th quarter. Alambic Investment Management L.P. now owns 49,415 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock valued at $443,000 after purchasing an additional 25,501 shares in the last quarter. Bank of America Corp DE boosted its stake in shares of CSS Industries by 94.6% in the 4th quarter. Bank of America Corp DE now owns 21,134 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock valued at $190,000 after purchasing an additional 10,276 shares in the last quarter. Finally, Walthausen & Co. LLC boosted its stake in shares of CSS Industries by 23.0% in the 4th quarter. Walthausen & Co. LLC now owns 328,428 shares of the specialty retailer’s stock valued at $2,946,000 after purchasing an additional 61,400 shares in the last quarter. Institutional investors own 64.21% of the company’s stock.

CSS Industries Company Profile

CSS Industries, Inc, a consumer products company, designs, manufactures, procures, distributes, and sells seasonal, gift, and craft products principally to mass market retailers in the United States and Canada. Its craft and gift consumer products include craft ribbons and bows, trims, buttons, sewing patterns, knitting needles, needle arts, kids’ crafts, infant products, journals, gift card holders, all occasion boxed greeting cards, memory books, scrapbooks, stationery, stickers, and other gift and craft items, as well as floral accessories, including pot covers, foil, waxed tissue, shred, aisle runners, corsage bags, and other paper and film products.

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