Laborie looks to diagnose severe acid reflux with implantable sensor

Laborie looks to diagnose severe acid reflux with implantable sensor

Laborie Medical Technologies aims to simplify the diagnosis of gastroesophageal reflux disease—a serious type of acid reflux known as GERD—using a wireless device that can sit within the esophagus and collect data for up to four days.

Typically, GERD is diagnosed through an endoscopic exam or an X-ray of the upper GI tract. The chronic condition occurs when stomach acid flows upwards into the esophagus, with the most common symptoms including heartburn and regurgitation.

The alpHaONE system places a small sensor capsule on the wall of the esophagus a short distance up the pipe from the stomach and automatically records changes in pH levels over time.

The patient then carries a handheld device that logs the data and allows the user to document their meals and time spent lying down—as well as feelings of heartburn, in addition to coughs or deep belches.

Laborie said it will also provide a virtual instruction program for patients. The New Hampshire-based company estimates that about 1 in 5 people in the U.S. may suffer from GERD.

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