Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Snc-Lavalin Group Inc’s Q1 2020 Earnings (TSE:SNC)

Snc-Lavalin Group Inc (TSE:SNC) – Stock analysts at National Bank Financial issued their Q1 2020 earnings estimates for Snc-Lavalin Group in a report released on Wednesday, December 18th, according to Zacks Investment Research. National Bank Financial analyst M. Sytchev forecasts that the company will earn $0.41 per share for the quarter. National Bank Financial has a “Outperform” rating and a $42.00 price objective on the stock. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for Snc-Lavalin Group’s Q2 2020 earnings at $0.42 EPS, Q3 2020 earnings at $0.44 EPS, Q4 2020 earnings at $0.45 EPS, FY2020 earnings at $1.71 EPS and FY2021 earnings at $1.97 EPS.

Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for Finning International Inc.’s Q4 2019 Earnings (TSE:FTT)

Finning International Inc. (TSE:FTT) – Stock analysts at National Bank Financial cut their Q4 2019 earnings estimates for shares of Finning International in a research note issued to investors on Monday, January 6th. National Bank Financial analyst M. Sytchev now expects that the company will earn $0.45 per share for the quarter, down from their prior forecast of $0.53. National Bank Financial currently has a “Outperform” rating and a $29.00 target price on the stock. National Bank Financial also issued estimates for Finning International’s Q1 2020 earnings at $0.45 EPS, Q2 2020 earnings at $0.56 EPS, Q3 2020 earnings at $0.51 EPS, Q4 2020 earnings at $0.45 EPS, FY2020 earnings at $1.97 EPS and FY2021 earnings at $2.08 EPS.

Equities Analysts Cut Earnings Estimates for Nike Inc (NYSE:NKE)

Nike Inc (NYSE:NKE) – Equities researchers at Jefferies Financial Group lowered their Q3 2020 earnings per share estimates for shares of Nike in a research report issued on Friday, December 20th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Jefferies Financial Group analyst R. Konik now forecasts that the footwear maker will post earnings of $0.68 per share for the quarter, down from their prior estimate of $0.76. Jefferies Financial Group currently has a “Neutral” rating and a $97.00 price target on the stock. Jefferies Financial Group also issued estimates for Nike’s FY2020 earnings at $3.00 EPS.

Equities Analysts Raise Earnings Estimates for VICI Properties Inc (NYSE:VICI)

VICI Properties Inc (NYSE:VICI) – Investment analysts at Jefferies Financial Group lifted their FY2019 earnings estimates for shares of VICI Properties in a research note issued on Monday, January 6th. Jefferies Financial Group analyst D. Katz now forecasts that the company will earn $1.51 per share for the year, up from their previous estimate of $1.48. Jefferies Financial Group also issued estimates for VICI Properties’ Q4 2019 earnings at $0.40 EPS, FY2020 earnings at $1.82 EPS, Q1 2021 earnings at $0.48 EPS, Q2 2021 earnings at $0.49 EPS, Q3 2021 earnings at $0.49 EPS, Q4 2021 earnings at $0.48 EPS and FY2021 earnings at $1.94 EPS.

Equities Analysts Issue Forecasts for iRobot Co.’s Q1 2020 Earnings (NASDAQ:IRBT)

iRobot Co. (NASDAQ:IRBT) – Equities research analysts at Piper Jaffray Companies lowered their Q1 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of iRobot in a report released on Friday, January 3rd. Piper Jaffray Companies analyst T. Jensen now expects that the industrial products company will post earnings of $0.24 per share for the quarter, down from their prior forecast of $0.28. Piper Jaffray Companies currently has a “Neutral” rating and a $51.00 target price on the stock. Piper Jaffray Companies also issued estimates for iRobot’s Q2 2020 earnings at $0.01 EPS, Q1 2021 earnings at $0.39 EPS, Q2 2021 earnings at $0.20 EPS and Q4 2021 earnings at $0.78 EPS.

Equities Analysts Reduce Earnings Estimates for SUPERDRY PLC/ADR (OTCMKTS:SEPGY)

SUPERDRY PLC/ADR (OTCMKTS:SEPGY) – Analysts at Jefferies Financial Group decreased their FY2021 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for SUPERDRY PLC/ADR in a research report issued on Thursday, December 12th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Jefferies Financial Group analyst C. Gulliver now anticipates that the company will post earnings of $0.85 per share for the year, down from their previous estimate of $0.92. Jefferies Financial Group also issued estimates for SUPERDRY PLC/ADR’s FY2022 earnings at $1.05 EPS.

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