Equities Analysts Offer Predictions for Seattle Genetics, Inc.’s Q1 2020 Earnings (NASDAQ:SGEN)

Seattle Genetics, Inc. (NASDAQ:SGEN) – Research analysts at Oppenheimer issued their Q1 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Seattle Genetics in a research report issued to clients and investors on Thursday, December 12th, according to Zacks Investment Research. Oppenheimer analyst S. Tuerkcan anticipates that the biotechnology company will post earnings per share of ($0.50) for the quarter. Oppenheimer has a “Outperform” rating and a $124.00 price target on the stock. Oppenheimer also issued estimates for Seattle Genetics’ Q2 2020 earnings at ($0.39) EPS and Q3 2020 earnings at ($0.30) EPS.

Equities Analysts Lower Earnings Estimates for Liquidity Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:LQDT)

Liquidity Services, Inc. (NASDAQ:LQDT) – Analysts at Barrington Research decreased their Q3 2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Liquidity Services in a research report issued on Wednesday, December 11th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Barrington Research analyst G. Prestopino now anticipates that the business services provider will post earnings of ($0.01) per share for the quarter, down from their previous estimate of $0.01. Barrington Research currently has a “Outperform” rating and a $10.00 target price on the stock. Barrington Research also issued estimates for Liquidity Services’ Q4 2020 earnings at $0.00 EPS, Q1 2021 earnings at ($0.04) EPS, Q2 2021 earnings at ($0.02) EPS, Q3 2021 earnings at $0.04 EPS, Q4 2021 earnings at ($0.01) EPS and FY2021 earnings at ($0.03) EPS.

Equities Analysts Reduce Earnings Estimates for CELYAD SA/ADR (NASDAQ:CYAD)

CELYAD SA/ADR (NASDAQ:CYAD) – William Blair reduced their FY2020 earnings estimates for CELYAD SA/ADR in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday, December 10th, Zacks Investment Research reports. William Blair analyst R. Prasad now expects that the company will earn ($2.93) per share for the year, down from their previous forecast of ($2.11). William Blair has a “Outperform” rating on the stock.

Equities Analysts Offer Predictions for Activision Blizzard, Inc.’s FY2020 Earnings (NASDAQ:ATVI)

Activision Blizzard, Inc. (NASDAQ:ATVI) – Equities research analysts at KeyCorp raised their FY2020 earnings per share estimates for Activision Blizzard in a note issued to investors on Tuesday, December 10th, according to Zacks Investment Research. KeyCorp analyst T. Parker now expects that the company will post earnings per share of $2.33 for the year, up from their previous estimate of $2.28.

Equities Analysts Lower Earnings Estimates for Liberty Oilfield Services Inc (NYSE:LBRT)

Liberty Oilfield Services Inc (NYSE:LBRT) – Analysts at Piper Jaffray Companies dropped their FY2019 earnings per share estimates for shares of Liberty Oilfield Services in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, December 31st. Piper Jaffray Companies analyst J. Daniel now expects that the company will post earnings per share of $0.68 for the year, down from their prior forecast of $0.72.

Equities Analysts Decrease Earnings Estimates for Ceridian HCM Holding Inc (NYSE:CDAY)

Ceridian HCM Holding Inc (NYSE:CDAY) – Stock analysts at Jefferies Financial Group cut their Q2 2020 EPS estimates for shares of Ceridian HCM in a research note issued to investors on Tuesday, December 17th, according to Zacks Investment Research. Jefferies Financial Group analyst S. Samana now anticipates that the company will earn $0.06 per share for the quarter, down from their prior estimate of $0.07. Jefferies Financial Group currently has a “Buy” rating and a $73.00 target price on the stock. Jefferies Financial Group also issued estimates for Ceridian HCM’s Q3 2020 earnings at $0.08 EPS and Q4 2020 earnings at $0.07 EPS.

Equities Analysts Increase Earnings Estimates for Campbell Soup (NYSE:CPB)

Campbell Soup (NYSE:CPB) – Equities researchers at Piper Jaffray Companies raised their Q4 2020 earnings estimates for shares of Campbell Soup in a research note issued to investors on Monday, December 16th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Piper Jaffray Companies analyst M. Lavery now anticipates that the company will post earnings per share of $0.56 for the quarter, up from their prior estimate of $0.55.

Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Trustmark Corp’s Q2 2020 Earnings (NASDAQ:TRMK)

Trustmark Corp (NASDAQ:TRMK) – Research analysts at SunTrust Banks lowered their Q2 2020 earnings estimates for shares of Trustmark in a report released on Tuesday, December 31st. SunTrust Banks analyst J. Demba now anticipates that the financial services provider will post earnings per share of $0.57 for the quarter, down from their previous forecast of $0.59. SunTrust Banks has a “Hold” rating and a $36.00 price objective on the stock. SunTrust Banks also issued estimates for Trustmark’s Q4 2020 earnings at $0.56 EPS and FY2021 earnings at $2.30 EPS.

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