Corvus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CRVS) Soars 7.86%

Corvus Pharmaceuticals Inc. (CRVS) had a good day on the market for Friday November 22 as shares jumped 7.86% to close at $3.02. About 70,632 shares traded hands on 420 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 29.41 million. After opening the trading day at $2.80, shares of Corvus Pharmaceuticals Inc. stayed within a range of $3.04 to $2.75.

Curis Inc. (CRIS) Soars 7.84%

Curis Inc. (CRIS) had a good day on the market for Thursday November 21 as shares jumped 7.84% to close at $1.65. About 226,954 shares traded hands on 825 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 33.2 million. After opening the trading day at $1.55, shares of Curis Inc. stayed within a range of $1.67 to $1.54.

Cohu Inc. (COHU) Plunges 5.44%

Cohu Inc. (COHU) had a rough trading day for Thursday November 21 as shares tumbled 5.44%, or a loss of $-0.99 per share, to close at $17.22. After opening the day at $18.07, shares of Cohu Inc. traded as high as $18.07 and as low as $17.14. Volume was 378,883 shares over 3,886 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 41.27 million.

Seadrill Limited (SDRL) Plunges 19.4%

Seadrill Limited (SDRL) had a rough trading day for Thursday November 21 as shares tumbled 19.4%, or a loss of $-0.2367 per share, to close at $0.98. After opening the day at $1.18, shares of Seadrill Limited traded as high as $1.18 and as low as $0.91. Volume was 5.09 million shares over 10,480 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 100 million.

Medley Management Inc. Class A (MDLY) Plunges 11.78%

Medley Management Inc. Class A (MDLY) had a rough trading day for Wednesday November 13 as shares tumbled 11.78%, or a loss of $-0.37 per share, to close at $2.77. After opening the day at $3.08, shares of Medley Management Inc. Class A traded as high as $3.12 and as low as $2.51. Volume was 148,142 shares over 395 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 32.21 million.

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