Costamare Inc. $0.0001 par value (CMRE) Soars 6.9%

Costamare Inc. $0.0001 par value (CMRE) had a good day on the market for Monday October 28 as shares jumped 6.9% to close at $7.90. About 1.38 million shares traded hands on 6,959 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 118.18 million. After opening the trading day at $7.49, shares of Costamare Inc. $0.0001 par value stayed within a range of $7.91 to $7.49.

Universal Logistics Holdings Inc. (ULH) Plunges 7.89%

Universal Logistics Holdings Inc. (ULH) had a rough trading day for Monday October 28 as shares tumbled 7.89%, or a loss of $-1.59 per share, to close at $18.55. After opening the day at $20.20, shares of Universal Logistics Holdings Inc. traded as high as $20.26 and as low as $18.13. Volume was 192,122 shares over 2,414 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 28.38 million.

Evolent Health Inc Class A (EVH) Soars 5.63%

Evolent Health Inc Class A (EVH) had a good day on the market for Monday October 28 as shares jumped 5.63% to close at $7.51. About 1.08 million shares traded hands on 6,877 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 84.52 million. After opening the trading day at $7.13, shares of Evolent Health Inc Class A stayed within a range of $7.68 to $7.02.

Wayfair Inc. Class A (W) Plunges 7.51%

Wayfair Inc. Class A (W) had a rough trading day for Monday October 28 as shares tumbled 7.51%, or a loss of $-8.88 per share, to close at $109.31. After opening the day at $118.07, shares of Wayfair Inc. Class A traded as high as $118.25 and as low as $109.08. Volume was 2.83 million shares over 29,383 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 92.34 million.

ServiceSource International Inc. (SREV) Soars 13.66%

ServiceSource International Inc. (SREV) had a good day on the market for Friday October 25 as shares jumped 13.66% to close at $1.04. About 375,514 shares traded hands on 1,037 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 94.08 million. After opening the trading day at $0.91, shares of ServiceSource International Inc. stayed within a range of $1.10 to $0.91.

MediciNova Inc. (MNOV) Plunges 12.79%

MediciNova Inc. (MNOV) had a rough trading day for Friday October 25 as shares tumbled 12.79%, or a loss of $-1.12 per share, to close at $7.64. After opening the day at $8.46, shares of MediciNova Inc. traded as high as $8.46 and as low as $7.38. Volume was 177,384 shares over 1,720 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 43.36 million.

Gibraltar Industries Inc. (ROCK) Soars 14.09%

Gibraltar Industries Inc. (ROCK) had a good day on the market for Friday October 25 as shares jumped 14.09% to close at $51.42. About 1.01 million shares traded hands on 9,741 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 32.22 million. After opening the trading day at $48.00, shares of Gibraltar Industries Inc. stayed within a range of $53.97 to $47.61.

DMC Global Inc. (BOOM) Plunges 5.2%

DMC Global Inc. (BOOM) had a rough trading day for Wednesday October 23 as shares tumbled 5.2%, or a loss of $-2.16 per share, to close at $39.41. After opening the day at $41.39, shares of DMC Global Inc. traded as high as $41.40 and as low as $37.63. Volume was 449,811 shares over 4,798 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 14.65 million.

Express Inc. (EXPR) Plunges 7.45%

Express Inc. (EXPR) had a rough trading day for Wednesday October 23 as shares tumbled 7.45%, or a loss of $-0.26 per share, to close at $3.23. After opening the day at $3.51, shares of Express Inc. traded as high as $3.56 and as low as $3.22. Volume was 1.52 million shares over 7,578 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 67.27 million.

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