Natera Inc. (NTRA) Soars 5.69%

Natera Inc. (NTRA) had a good day on the market for Friday October 04 as shares jumped 5.69% to close at $35.47. About 886,047 shares traded hands on 9,709 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 70.13 million. After opening the trading day at $33.76, shares of Natera Inc. stayed within a range of $36.37 to $33.40.

Extreme Networks Inc. (EXTR) Soars 5.04%

Extreme Networks Inc. (EXTR) had a good day on the market for Friday October 04 as shares jumped 5.04% to close at $7.30. About 1.76 million shares traded hands on 9,890 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 121.37 million. After opening the trading day at $6.96, shares of Extreme Networks Inc. stayed within a range of $7.33 to $6.94.

Amicus Therapeutics Inc. (FOLD) Plunges 9.98%

Amicus Therapeutics Inc. (FOLD) had a rough trading day for Friday October 04 as shares tumbled 9.98%, or a loss of $-0.87 per share, to close at $7.85. After opening the day at $8.69, shares of Amicus Therapeutics Inc. traded as high as $8.73 and as low as $7.79. Volume was 5.38 million shares over 25,713 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 254.63 million.

Heron Therapeutics Inc. (HRTX) Plunges 10.04%

Heron Therapeutics Inc. (HRTX) had a rough trading day for Friday October 04 as shares tumbled 10.04%, or a loss of $-1.945 per share, to close at $17.42. After opening the day at $18.17, shares of Heron Therapeutics Inc. traded as high as $18.49 and as low as $17.25. Volume was 6.84 million shares over 40,087 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 79.82 million.

Exelixis Inc. (EXEL) Plunges 5.02%

Exelixis Inc. (EXEL) had a rough trading day for Friday October 04 as shares tumbled 5.02%, or a loss of $-0.9 per share, to close at $17.04. After opening the day at $17.96, shares of Exelixis Inc. traded as high as $17.98 and as low as $16.94. Volume was 3.65 million shares over 26,237 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 302.91 million.

Atlas Financial Holdings Inc. (AFH) Soars 13.54%

Atlas Financial Holdings Inc. (AFH) had a good day on the market for Friday October 04 as shares jumped 13.54% to close at $0.37. About 116,337 shares traded hands on 311 trades for the day, compared with an average daily volume of n/a shares out of a total float of 11.94 million. After opening the trading day at $0.35, shares of Atlas Financial Holdings Inc. stayed within a range of $0.38 to $0.35.

Destination XL Group Inc. (DXLG) Plunges 6.37%

Destination XL Group Inc. (DXLG) had a rough trading day for Friday October 04 as shares tumbled 6.37%, or a loss of $-0.1 per share, to close at $1.47. After opening the day at $1.57, shares of Destination XL Group Inc. traded as high as $1.57 and as low as $1.45. Volume was 53,408 shares over 358 trades, against an average daily volume of n/a shares and a total float of 49.96 million.

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