Equities Analysts Reduce Earnings Estimates for Potlatchdeltic Corp (NASDAQ:PCH)
Potlatchdeltic Corp (NASDAQ:PCH) – Investment analysts at Seaport Global Securities reduced their FY2019 earnings estimates for shares of Potlatchdeltic in a research report issued to clients and investors on Wednesday, July 31st, Zacks Investment Research reports. Seaport Global Securities analyst M. Weintraub now expects that the real estate investment trust will post earnings of $0.80 per share for the year, down from their prior estimate of $0.90. Seaport Global Securities also issued estimates for Potlatchdeltic’s Q4 2019 earnings at $0.18 EPS, Q1 2020 earnings at $0.28 EPS, Q2 2020 earnings at $0.21 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $1.25 EPS.