Equities Analysts Increase Earnings Estimates for Monro Inc (NASDAQ:MNRO)

Monro Inc (NASDAQ:MNRO) – Equities research analysts at SunTrust Banks lifted their Q2 2020 earnings estimates for Monro in a research note issued on Tuesday, May 21st, according to Zacks Investment Research. SunTrust Banks analyst S. Benjamin now forecasts that the auto parts company will earn $0.74 per share for the quarter, up from their previous forecast of $0.72. SunTrust Banks currently has a “Hold” rating and a $85.00 target price on the stock. SunTrust Banks also issued estimates for Monro’s Q4 2020 earnings at $0.56 EPS, FY2020 earnings at $2.63 EPS, Q1 2021 earnings at $0.75 EPS, Q2 2021 earnings at $0.83 EPS, Q3 2021 earnings at $0.73 EPS and Q4 2021 earnings at $0.63 EPS.

Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Medpace Holdings Inc’s Q3 2019 Earnings (NASDAQ:MEDP)

Medpace Holdings Inc (NASDAQ:MEDP) – KeyCorp upped their Q3 2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Medpace in a report issued on Tuesday, May 28th, Zacks Investment Research reports. KeyCorp analyst D. Hooker now forecasts that the company will post earnings of $0.67 per share for the quarter, up from their prior estimate of $0.66. KeyCorp also issued estimates for Medpace’s Q4 2019 earnings at $0.70 EPS, FY2019 earnings at $2.64 EPS and FY2020 earnings at $2.91 EPS.

Equities Analysts Reduce Earnings Estimates for Cooper Companies Inc (NYSE:COO)

Cooper Companies Inc (NYSE:COO) – Analysts at Northcoast Research cut their Q3 2019 EPS estimates for shares of Cooper Companies in a research report issued on Tuesday, May 28th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Northcoast Research analyst D. Keiser now forecasts that the medical device company will post earnings per share of $3.20 for the quarter, down from their previous forecast of $3.21. Northcoast Research has a “Buy” rating and a $340.00 price target on the stock. Northcoast Research also issued estimates for Cooper Companies’ Q2 2020 earnings at $3.23 EPS.

Equities Analysts Offer Predictions for Verint Systems Inc.’s Q1 2020 Earnings (NASDAQ:VRNT)

Verint Systems Inc. (NASDAQ:VRNT) – Equities research analysts at Wedbush lifted their Q1 2020 earnings estimates for Verint Systems in a research note issued on Tuesday, May 21st, according to Zacks Investment Research. Wedbush analyst D. Ives now forecasts that the technology company will earn $0.42 per share for the quarter, up from their previous forecast of $0.39. Wedbush currently has a “Outperform” rating and a $70.00 target price on the stock.

Equities Analysts Offer Predictions for CymaBay Therapeutics Inc’s Q2 2019 Earnings (NASDAQ:CBAY)

CymaBay Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:CBAY) – Equities research analysts at SunTrust Banks reduced their Q2 2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of CymaBay Therapeutics in a report issued on Wednesday, May 15th, Zacks Investment Research reports. SunTrust Banks analyst E. Nash now anticipates that the biopharmaceutical company will earn ($0.36) per share for the quarter, down from their previous forecast of ($0.34). SunTrust Banks also issued estimates for CymaBay Therapeutics’ Q3 2019 earnings at ($0.38) EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at ($0.39) EPS, FY2019 earnings at ($1.50) EPS, FY2020 earnings at ($1.63) EPS, FY2021 earnings at ($1.86) EPS, FY2022 earnings at ($1.61) EPS and FY2023 earnings at $0.63 EPS.

Equities Analysts Reduce Earnings Estimates for Portland General Electric (NYSE:POR)

Portland General Electric (NYSE:POR) – Equities researchers at Williams Capital dropped their FY2020 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Portland General Electric in a research report issued on Monday, May 20th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Williams Capital analyst C. Ellinghaus now expects that the utilities provider will post earnings of $2.50 per share for the year, down from their previous forecast of $2.54. Williams Capital also issued estimates for Portland General Electric’s FY2021 earnings at $2.68 EPS.

Equities Analysts Decrease Earnings Estimates for Air Transport Services Group Inc. (NASDAQ:ATSG)

Air Transport Services Group Inc. (NASDAQ:ATSG) – Equities research analysts at Seaport Global Securities reduced their Q2 2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Air Transport Services Group in a report issued on Thursday, May 16th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Seaport Global Securities analyst K. Sterling now anticipates that the transportation company will earn $0.20 per share for the quarter, down from their previous forecast of $0.25. Seaport Global Securities also issued estimates for Air Transport Services Group’s Q3 2019 earnings at $0.28 EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at $0.36 EPS and FY2019 earnings at $1.22 EPS.

Equities Analysts Lower Earnings Estimates for Rosehill Resources Inc (NASDAQ:ROSE)

Rosehill Resources Inc (NASDAQ:ROSE) – Investment analysts at Seaport Global Securities dropped their Q4 2019 earnings per share estimates for Rosehill Resources in a research report issued to clients and investors on Tuesday, May 28th, Zacks Investment Research reports. Seaport Global Securities analyst M. Kelly now forecasts that the company will post earnings per share of $0.12 for the quarter, down from their prior forecast of $0.15. Seaport Global Securities also issued estimates for Rosehill Resources’ Q1 2020 earnings at $0.33 EPS.

Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG) CMO Esther Lem Sells 50,000 Shares

Chegg Inc (NYSE:CHGG) CMO Esther Lem sold 50,000 shares of the firm’s stock in a transaction dated Monday, June 3rd. The shares were sold at an average price of $36.33, for a total transaction of $1,816,500.00. Following the transaction, the chief marketing officer now directly owns 308,325 shares in the company, valued at $11,201,447.25. The transaction was disclosed in a document filed with the Securities & Exchange Commission, which is available through this link.

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