Equities Analysts Set Expectations for Eastman Chemical’s Q1 2019 Earnings (NYSE:EMN)

Eastman Chemical (NYSE:EMN) – Stock analysts at Jefferies Financial Group increased their Q1 2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of Eastman Chemical in a note issued to investors on Monday, February 4th, according to Zacks Investment Research. Jefferies Financial Group analyst L. Alexander now anticipates that the basic materials company will post earnings of $2.03 per share for the quarter, up from their prior forecast of $1.33. Jefferies Financial Group currently has a “Buy” rating and a $91.00 target price on the stock. Jefferies Financial Group also issued estimates for Eastman Chemical’s Q2 2019 earnings at $2.42 EPS and Q3 2019 earnings at $2.52 EPS.

Equities Analysts Issued Awaitations For Cheesecake Factory Inc’s Q1 2019 Revenue (CAKE)

Cheesecake Factory Inc (NASDAQ:CAKE) – Investment analysts at Piper Jaffray Companies cut their Q1 2019 EPS estimates for shares of Cheesecake Factory in a research report issued on Wednesday, February 20th. Piper Jaffray Companies analyst N. Regan now anticipates that the restaurant operator will earn $0.59 per share for the quarter, down from their prior estimate of $0.62. Piper Jaffray Companies also issued estimates for Cheesecake Factory’s Q2 2019 earnings at $0.79 EPS, Q3 2019 earnings at $0.61 EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at $0.64 EPS and FY2019 earnings at $2.64 EPS.

Equities Analysts Issued Awaitations For Fairfax Financial Stake LTD Subordinate Voting Shares’ Q1 2019 Revenue (FFH)

Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Subordinate Voting Shares (TSE:FFH) – Equities research analysts at Cormark raised their Q1 2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Subordinate Voting Shares in a report issued on Tuesday, February 19th. Cormark analyst J. Fenwick now forecasts that the company will earn $16.47 per share for the quarter, up from their previous forecast of $14.04. Cormark also issued estimates for Fairfax Financial Holdings Ltd Subordinate Voting Shares’ Q2 2019 earnings at $17.65 EPS, Q3 2019 earnings at $18.39 EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at $18.65 EPS and FY2019 earnings at $71.17 EPS.

Equities Analysts Set Predictions For Sage Therapeutics Inc’s Q1 2019 Revenue (SAGE)

SAGE Therapeutics Inc (NASDAQ:SAGE) – Stock analysts at SunTrust Banks lifted their Q1 2019 earnings per share (EPS) estimates for shares of SAGE Therapeutics in a report issued on Tuesday, February 19th. SunTrust Banks analyst J. Lee now forecasts that the biopharmaceutical company will earn ($2.66) per share for the quarter, up from their prior forecast of ($2.83). SunTrust Banks also issued estimates for SAGE Therapeutics’ Q2 2019 earnings at ($2.79) EPS, Q3 2019 earnings at ($2.81) EPS, Q4 2019 earnings at ($2.94) EPS, FY2019 earnings at ($10.89) EPS, FY2020 earnings at ($9.74) EPS, FY2021 earnings at ($5.19) EPS, FY2022 earnings at $1.33 EPS and FY2023 earnings at $12.84 EPS.

Apache Corporation (APA) Moves Higher on Volume Spike for February 22

Apache Corporation (APA) traded on unusually high volume on Feb. 22, as the stock gained 0.3% to close at $33.47. On the day, Apache Corporation saw 7.53 million shares trade hands on 26,116 trades. Considering that the stock averages only a daily volume of 4.64 million shares a day over the last month, this represents a pretty significant bump in volume over the norm.

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